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R10 SAC Call for Hosts: IEEE Region 10 Student Summit 2024



The region has successfully gathered more than 1000 members in one online plenary platform in the 1st IEEE R10 SAC STUDENT SUMMIT in 2023. We owe this to the vibrant volunteering spirit of IEEE members all around the region. Henceforth, IEEE continues to be a solid platform for students to develop their expertise and equip them with the proper skills in becoming our future leaders.


The purpose of the event is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding and exposure and training on IEEE operations and activities and empower them as future leaders. It aims to increase memberships, revitalize inactive student branches through direct communication with sections, and offer the IEEE Student Leadership contest to enhance leadership and project-related skills. By achieving these goals, the summit aims to foster a vibrant community of engaged students and cultivate their potential within IEEE and beyond.


The event structure for the summit is as follows:

The IEEE Region 10 Student Summit consists of two parts.

  1. Common Plenary – Conducted By IEEE Region 10 SAC

The selected host sections must have the capacity to conduct hybrid activities. They must participate in a common online plenary activities organized by R10SAC. They must gather a certain number of students (depending on the section’s grade, please refer below)  from different student branches and chapters under the section. This must be in a hybrid format where sections and SBs will gather face-to-face and meet R10 officials online.

Large Section – 100 students and above

Medium Section – 50 students and above

Small Section – 30 students and above

  1. Sectional Assemblies – Organized By Winning Section’s SAC

The sections with winning proposals have to organize a physical assembly covering up at least 4 or more topics given below; to qualify, the first topic is required

    1. Emphasis on the adherence to the IEEE Code of Ethics and/or Organizational Unit (OU) management in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    2. Enhancing IEEE Student and Graduate Student Memberships: Conducting a membership drive to actively promote and increase IEEE student and graduate student memberships, encouraging students to join and engage with the organization.
    3. Professional Development Session: Organizing a dedicated professional development session for graduate student members and professional members within the Student Branch, providing valuable insights and resources to enhance their skills and advance their careers.
    4. Volunteer Leadership Training: Offering comprehensive training to mold the Executive Committee and Volunteer Leaders of the Student Branch, equipping them with effective leadership skills and empowering them to lead their branches towards success.
    5. Highlighting the Importance of Continuing IEEE Membership: Hosting a session that emphasizes the significance of maintaining IEEE membership beyond the student phase, showcasing the long-term benefits and opportunities that come with sustained involvement in the organization.
    6. Showcasing Volunteer Benefits of IEEE: Providing an exclusive session to showcase the various benefits and opportunities available to IEEE volunteers, demonstrating how active participation can enhance personal growth, expand professional networks, awareness of IEEE tools, and contribute to the technical community.
    7. Student-Section Forum: Facilitating a forum for students to engage in discussions with the section’s student activities committee members, enabling valuable exchanges about section initiatives and support for students and student branches.
    8. Mentorship Program for Inactive Student Branches: Implementing a mentorship program to assist inactive Student Branches in organizing their activities, offering guidance, support, and expertise to revitalize these branches and foster their growth.

These assemblies should be in hybrid mode where sectional membership should participate physically and the online participation option should be provided for the other members of the region who are interested in joining. Yet, there is no requirement to live stream the whole event. The respective sections have the freedom to add additional sessions and add more value to the events.

This funding is provided to organize these sectional assemblies.

The plenary session organized by IEEE Region 10 SAC will take place on a unique date and the sessions organized by the sections will be organized on different dates. Members from R10 who are interested can attend all the online sessions conducted by the sections. After the plenary session, the respective sections will have a stipulated amount of time to organize offline events aligned with the objective of making the student branches more active.

Who Can Submit The Proposal?

The proposal should be submitted by the project lead. The project lead should be the focal volunteer throughout the completion of the project, who can be any of the following officers:

    • Section Chair
    • Section Student Activities Committee (SAC) Chair

The responsibilities of the project lead include:

    • Submitting the proposal: As the project lead, they are responsible for initiating the submission of the project proposal to the relevant authorities.
    • Focal volunteer throughout the project: The project lead serves as the main point of contact and actively engages in the project’s execution from start to finish.
    • Official communication: They act as the lead contact person for all official communications related to the project, ensuring effective and timely correspondence.
    • Project updates and reporting: The project lead is responsible for providing regular updates on the project’s progress and reporting the outcomes to the R10 SAC. This includes sharing the activities undertaken and the results achieved.
    • Revived student branches and closures: They compile and submit a comprehensive report detailing the student branches that have been successfully revived as a result of the project. Additionally, they provide information on any student branches that may need to be closed based on their assessment.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, the project lead plays a critical role in driving the project’s success, maintaining effective communication channels, and ensuring accurate reporting of the project’s outcomes.

Each proposal should adhere to the given format and should be endorsed by the Section Chair.

Fund Qualification Criteria

In order to be eligible for the grant, proposals submitted by the sections must adhere to all the specified criteria. The sectional sessions should follow the provided structure. One important criterion is that the events organized as part of the proposals should be conducted as in-person events. This requirement ensures a physical gathering where participants can engage face-to-face, fostering direct interaction and a more immersive experience for all attendees.

Make sure the proposed budget aligns with the R10 matching fund policy.


Policy Of Region 10 Matching Fund
    • For Large Section projects, R10 will support 50% of total expenses.
    • For Medium Section projects, R10 will support 75% of total expenses.
    • For Small Section projects, R10 will support 100% of total expenses.

The remaining funds will have to be supported by the section and/or any other source of funding.

Section Classification 

Large Section: 1,501 or more members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.

Medium Section: 501-1,500 members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.

Small Section: 500 or fewer members (including Students) as of 31 December of the prior year.

Approval Requirements:
    • Maximum one project per section: Each section has the opportunity to submit one project proposal of high quality for consideration.
    • $800 funding requirement per selected project: If a proposal is selected, the project will receive funding up to a maximum of $800 to support its implementation, adhering to the Region 10 matching fund.
    • Proposal approval chances linked to inactive student branches: The likelihood of a proposal being approved is influenced by the number of inactive student branches within the section. If the number is low, the chances of approval may be lower.
    • Funding dependent on inactive and dormant student branches: The allocation of funding is directly tied to the number of inactive and dormant student branches in each section.
    • Results communicated via email and R10 SAC website: The IEEE R10 officials will notify the winning proposals to the R10 Sections through email. Additionally, the results will be published on the R10 SAC website for wider visibility.
    • Each event report must include feedback from participants.
    • The event photos and recordings should be attached to the report and when sharing in social media, IEEE Region 10, and IEEE Region 10 Student Activities Committee should be included as collaborators and co-organizers.

By considering these points, sections can submit their best project proposals with the aim of securing funding and making a positive impact on the inactive student branches within their respective sections.

Judging Criteria

Proposals should provide a concise overview of the project, including its intended impact. It should include details such as the proposed date, program outline, and expected number of participants. The proposal format must adhere to the provided template.

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

    • Nature and objectives of the proposed activity: The proposal should clearly outline the purpose and goals of the project, demonstrating its alignment with the objectives of revitalizing inactive student branches.
    • Quality of the program and speakers: The proposal will be assessed based on the proposed program’s quality, including the selection of speakers or presenters who can deliver valuable content and engage the participants effectively.
    • Impact assessment: The proposal should describe how the planned activity can benefit inactive student branches, showcasing the potential positive outcomes and contributions it can make towards their revival and growth.
    • Metrics for measuring success: The proposal should include measurable metrics to assess the success of the project, such as the number of students, student branches, participants, student branch chairs, and student branch counselors involved.
    • The number of student members who joined from dormant or inactive student branches and the number of potential student members who joined from the sections.

By considering these evaluation criteria, the proposals can provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the project, its objectives, potential impact, and how success will be measured.

    • Call for proposals: 17th July 2024
    • Submissions Deadline: 17th August 2024
    • Winners Notification: 1st September 2024
    • Required Plenary Session Participation (Hybrid): 21st September 2024
    • Duration given to organize sectional sessions:  1st September – October 15, 2024
    • Deadline for report submissions:  25th October 2024
    • Report evaluation period: 26th October 2024 to 2nd November 2024
    • Fund Transfer: Before 10th November 2024

** Reports submitted after the deadline or without proper receipts and financial reports would not be considered for reimbursement.

Information & Enquiries
    • Information about this R10 SAC Call for Host funding will be notified by email to the R10 Sections, on the R10 Website, R10 SAC’s website.
    • Point of Contact for further information and inquiries: R10 Student Activities Committee (


Reimbursement Claims

Reimbursement claims are only applicable for projects that are selected for funding. The funds will be transferred only upon receiving the following items:

    • Activity Report
    • Finance/Expense Report
    • All Receipts

Please note that the reimbursement claim reports and all receipts should be submitted by those who applied for funding during the proposal submission stage.


Please download the proposal form:  Here

For inquiries please contact: