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About Student Reporting

The Student Branch Executive Committee, which consists of Branch Counselor, Student Branch Chair, Branch Officers and Sub-Committee Chairs, has responsibility for administering Branch operations. And each time a new Executive Committee member or Branch Counselor is selected to serve at your Student Branch, the IEEE Operations Center must be notified.


vTools stands for Volunteer Tools. vTools simplify the administrative tasks to our volunteers via the use of online tools, reduce time spent managing activities, and assist in member development. Visit vTools here:

How to do it?

  • Visit the Officers vTools Reporting:
  • Select Manage Officers and choose the Organizational Unit (OU). You type in your institution name or query your Student Branch Number
  • Under the Manage Officers Tab select the Officer Position which you want to modify and key in the IEEE Membership Number of the newly elected Executive Committee Member with his/her Term Start Date. 

All changes made by Student Branch Counsellor and Student Branch Chair will reflect immediately.

  • Submit and wait for the official mail to see the changes reflected on vTools. The submitted details will be verified by the IEEE Staff approved.
  • Same procedure to be followed for ending term of an Executive Committee Officer, instead choose End Term option.

Note: There can be more than one member for Officer Positions like Webmaster, Secretary, and Treasurer. You can alternatively request for creating a new officer position for your Student Branch, which when approved by IEEE Staff will be visible in your Student Branch Officer Roster.

Visit for Branch Operations, Best Practices for your Student Branch and many more resources for your Student Branch: