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OU Analytics

A web-based business intelligence tool to deliver essential metrics on memberships or subscriptions to OUs, including Societies, Councils, Technical Communities, etc. It provides an intuitive interface and leverages visualization technology to present data in multidimensional tables and charts. Organization Unit (OU) Analytics is an important tool used to get insights into the Member Data of your Organization Unit/Student Branch. Only the Student Branch Counselor and the Student Branch Chair have access to OU Analytics. Link to Access OU Analytics: You need to further login to your IEEE Account for getting into the Analytics application. You will need the Count of Members in your Student Branch for various purposes like

Pictorial Steps

Step 1: Click on the Members and Affiliates option

Step 2: Select your OU from the drop down menu highlighted in green, this will make sure you will get the data for your OU/Student Branch only. You can see the Count by Region and Membership Grade, Count by Gender, Count by Gender and Grade and lastly Count by Technology Focus Area

Step 3: To see the details of members, click on the Detail Tab from the top of the Window selection tabs to get into the page where detailed information is given for all Members

Step 4: To download the data, click on any one row of the displayed data and click on the Download Button near the top right corner of the window. The best format to download is the crosstab format which will result in download of an Excel Sheet with Members’ Data in it

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