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IEEE R10 SAC - Section Student Branch Revival Fund (SSBR) 2024


IEEE continues to be a solid platform for students to develop their expertise and acquire the appropriate amount of exposure. Following this we have seen very good development in the memberships  as well. Even so, we can see that there are many student branches distributed throughout various sections that have run out of members or are rather inactive though they claim to be active. Through this initiative, we look forward to taking the required initiatives to revive or close the inactive student branches and to ensure a significant development in the student branches in the region.


This initiative aims to identify dormant student branches in the sections of Region 10 and provide them with an excellent opportunity to revive themselves by setting aside sufficient funds for the sections and taking the necessary measures to turn their Student Branch into an actively participating entity.

Who Can Submit The Proposal?

The proposal should be submitted by the project lead. The project lead should be the focal volunteer throughout the completion of the project, who can be any of the following officers:

      • Section Chair
      • Section Student Activities Committee (SAC) Chair

The proponent of the project will serve as the lead contact for all official communications.

They are responsible for project updates and reporting to R10 SAC. 

They  will submit the report of the activities done and the statistics of the SBs revived and the SBs that need to be closed.

Fund Qualification Criteria

Proposals submitted by the sections must fulfill all the criteria in order to be eligible for the grant. The events could be organized in any format including in-person or virtual mode.

The Event Must Consist of:

      • A maximum of 2 quality projects will be selected from each section and the selected projects will be funded with 200$ for each project.
      • In some cases only one  project will be selected out of the two projects applied and the funding will be allocated only for that project.
      • If the Number of Inactive Student branches is comparatively low in a section, the chances of getting the revival fund will also be low.
      • Funding solely depends on the number of Inactive SBs in the respective sections.
      • The IEEE R10 Student Branch Activities Coordinator will notify the results of winners by email to the R10 Sections and on the R10 SAC Website 


Sample Activities or Events:

      • Membership drive to enhance IEEE Student and Graduate Student Memberships.
      • At least one professional development session for graduate student members and the professional members in the Student Branch 
      • Volunteer Leadership Training for Molding the Executive Committee and the Volunteer Leaders of the Student Branch
      • Session that shows the importance of continuing the IEEE Membership
      • An exclusive session to showcase the Volunteer Benefits of IEEE.
      • A forum between the students and the section student activities committee members to discuss about the section initiatives to support students and student branches
      • A mentorship program for assisting the inactive SBs in organizing their SB activities.


Judging Criteria

The Proposals submitted should include a brief overview of the project to be conducted along with the impact of the project. A proposed date, program and the expected number of participants should be included in the proposal. The proposal format should follow the template provided.

The proposals will be judged according to the following:

      • Nature of the proposed activity and its objectives
      • The quality of the proposed program and its speakers
      • Impact – A description of how the planned activity can benefit Inactive SBs
      • Metrics to measure its success (Number of students /student branches/participants/ student branch chairs/ student branch counselors)


Project Timeline

      • Call for proposals: 1st April 2024
      • Submissions Deadline(Group-1): 15th May 2024
      • Winners Notification(Group-1): 20th May 2024
      • Duration given to organize projects(Group-1): 21 May 2024– 31st July 2024
      • Deadline for report submissions(Group-1): 15th August 2024


Information & Enquiries

      • Information about the Call for R10 Student Branch Revival Fund Proposal will be notified by email to the R10 Sections, on the R10 Website, R10 SAC’s website.
      • Point of Contacts for further information and enquiries: R10 Student Activities Committee (


Reimbursement Claims

Reimbursement claims are only applicable for projects that are selected for funding. The funds will be transferred only upon receiving the following items:

      • Activity Report
      • Finance/expense Report
      • All Receipts

Please note that the reimbursement claim reports, and all receipts should be submitted by those who applied for funding during the proposal submission stage.


Please download the proposal form (Note that the endorsement letter should be added as an attachment in the portal): here

For enquiries please contact:

result 2024

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