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SB Annual Plan Reporting

Student Branch Reporting is one of the most important procedures to be taken up and completed before 1st February of every year. In this report, you are supposed to submit the Student Branch Annual Plan. It will help you keep track of all activities planned for that year and record the yearly financial statements at the beginning of year.

You have to give an event wise and month wise break up of Activities that are planned for the year. Activities include Technical and Administrative Meetings, workshops, technical talks, boot camps, conferences, social meetings, and fundraisers. This will help IEEE Headquarters and Regional SAC Chair to monitor the progress of the Student Branch

Penning down the Goals of the Student Branch is necessary and is good that the Student Branch sets goals that align with the personal and professional development of Members and Society. This will be a valuable tracker for the Student Branch to constantly monitor and improve in areas required to achieve the goals.

The email ids of the Branch Counsellor, Section Chair, Section SAC Chair, Section Student Representative, Regional SAC Chair, and Regional Student Representative should be added to the plan to send them for their Electronic Signature.

Head over here for the Student Branch Annual Reporting:

Pictorial Steps

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6: